
Leave your acne alone!! Squeezing them will only leave deep marks on your face. Then you'll have to use one of our two scrubs to smoothen your skin!

How to remove scar marks

The best way to remove scar marks is by using a gentle scrub. The scrub will remove dead skin. It will then leave you with fresh new skin. It will leave...

How to remove scar marks

The best way to remove scar marks is by using a gentle scrub. The scrub will remove dead skin. It will then leave you with fresh new skin. It will leave...

Desiccated coconut helps your skin exfoliate, naturally.

How desiccated coconut helps your skin

The compound of desiccated coconut features very heavily in the chocolate scrub. This antioxidant is excellent for removing the dead skin on the outer layers of the skin. When used...

How desiccated coconut helps your skin

The compound of desiccated coconut features very heavily in the chocolate scrub. This antioxidant is excellent for removing the dead skin on the outer layers of the skin. When used...

skincare, young skin, smooth skin, new skin, fresh face,

Skin care for young skin.

Skin care for young skin.

Skin care for young skin.

Skin care for young skin.

Food that's good for skin, internally and externally,

Your skin's many benefits from yoghurt

Your skin's many benefits from yoghurt

Your skin's many benefits from yoghurt

Your skin's many benefits from yoghurt

The right vitamins for skin are .........

The right vitamins for skin are .........

The right vitamins for skin are .........

The right vitamins for skin are .........

The right vitamins for skin are .........

Guarding against those harmful UV rays.

Guarding against those harmful UV rays.

The benefits of SPF being added to Moisturiser and Body Butter.

Guarding against those harmful UV rays.

The benefits of SPF being added to Moisturiser and Body Butter.