Scrub helps remove scar marks.

Scrub helps remove scar marks.


Coffee/Chocolate scrub helps remove scar marks

This is probably the main reason why exists.

  1. The first thing that your scrub does is remove dead skin from the outer surface. This allows new soft skin to replace dead skin. In turn, this allows moisturiser to be absorbed more easily.
  2. Exfoliation also helps to remove scars.
  3. Exfoliation helps to unblock pores which helps stop acne.
  4. Exfoliation also gets the blood and collagen moving.

Squeezing pimples will only spread the infection and makes craters in the skin. “Squeezing can push bacteria and pus deeper into the skin, which might cause more swelling and redness. Squeezing also can lead to scabs and might leave you with permanent pits or scars. Because popping isn’t the way to go, patience is the key.”

If you see any friends/family squeezing their pimples, please show them this blog. Maybe even buy them a jar of our coffee or chocolate scrub. They’ll love you for it.

As for the wiser people who do have patience and have refrained from squeezing, there are only a few options left. Scar marks? How you remove scar marks? You can take drugs, use ointments that will dry your skin, or simply use a naturally based scrub that you’ll love. We at Graceful Lilly, much prefer the latter. Your skin, your simple choice. “Skin is a seamless organ, like a fine cloth protecting valuable assets. Imagine a piece of silk. Just one small tear can make a big difference in how it looks. And it’s the same with skin. Any burn, injury, or other trauma, such as surgery, can cause a scar.

Now a scar isn’t bad if it’s small or in a location that’s easy to conceal. But when it’s not, you may wonder if there’s a way to treat it, other than hiding it under your clothes, that will make it go away or at least change how it looks. The truth is the scar will never completely go away. But there are some methods that can help reduce its size and change its appearance.

So, Scarring. How does it happen?

Scarring is a natural part of the healing process after an injury. Its appearance and its treatment depend on multiple factors. The depth and size of the wound or cut and the location of the injury matter. So do your age, genes, sex, and ethnicity. The question remains. Scar marks? How you remove.

What Are The Types of Scars?

There are several different types of scars including:

  • Keloid scars. These scars are the result of an overly aggressive healing process. They extend beyond the original injury. Over time, a keloid scar may hamper movement. Treatments include surgery to remove the scar, steroid injections, or silicone sheets to flatten the scar. Smaller keloids can be treated using cryotherapy (freezing therapy using liquid nitrogen). You can also prevent keloid formation by using pressure treatment or gel pads with silicone when you are injured. Keloid scars are most common among people with dark skin.
  • Contracture scars. If your skin has been burned, you may have a contracture scar. These scars tighten your skin, which can impair your ability to move. Contracture scars may also go deeper, affecting muscles and nerves.
  • Hypertrophic scars. These are raised, red scars that are similar to keloids but do not go beyond the boundary of the injury. Treatments include injections of steroids to reduce inflammation or silicone sheets, which flatten the scar.
  • Acne scars. If you’ve had severe acne, you probably have the scars to prove it. There are many types of acne scars, ranging from deep pits to scars that are angular or wavelike in appearance. Treatment options depend on the types of acne scars you have.
Scar treatments may include:


  • Over-the-counter or prescription creams, ointments, or gels. These products can be used to treat scars that are caused by cuts or other injuries or wounds. If you are under the care of a plastic surgeon and your scarring is from cosmetic or plastic surgery, ask your surgeon if over-the-counter treatment is an option. If not, there are prescriptions that may help. Often, treatments can include steroids or certain oral antihistamines for scars that cause itching and are very sensitive. Likewise, if you have scarring from severe acne, ask your dermatologist for advice. Your doctor can also recommend or use pressure treatment or silicone gel sheeting to help treat scars or as preventive care.
  • Surgical removal or treatment. There are many options to treat deeper scars depending on your particular case. These include skin grafts, excision, dermabrasion, or laser surgery. In a skin graft, the surgeon uses skin from another area of your body. This is often used with people who’ve had burns. If you’ve got scarring that impairs function, surgery can help address the functional problems. If you’ve recently had surgery that has caused scars, it is best to wait at least one year before making a decision about scar treatment. Many scars fade and become less noticeable over time.
  • Injections. You may get steroid injections to treat scars that stick out, such as keloids or hypertrophic scars. Your doctor may use this on its own or with other treatments. Other types of injections, such as collagen or other “fillers,” may be useful for some types of pitted scarring, although these are not usually permanent solutions.


Does Insurance Coverage Apply to Scar Treatments?

If your scar physically impairs you in any way, you may be able to get coverage from your health insurer. Ask your doctor to write a letter detailing your particular case. Your doctor can also take photos to support your case.

If you are undergoing scar treatment for cosmetic purposes, you will most likely have to pay for it all yourself. If you have scars from cosmetic surgery, make sure you know what your insurer will cover. Health insurers usually don’t pay for any cosmetic surgery that isn’t medically necessary.”,silicone%20when%20you%20are%20injured.

So, to avoid heartache, time and expenditure, we always recommend the coffee or chocolate scrubs we becoming more and more famous for.

While a scrub doesn’t offer a silver bullet answer, it’ll certainly make your scars less and less noticeable. Try a sample, for free! You have nothing to lose but the postage itself.


Finally, please refer your friends and family to us at

 And remember to send in for your FREE sample

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